RAK Lab offers the most advanced and unique environmental, chemical and water analysis as per World Health Organisation, British Standards, American Public Health Authority and other national/international standards. Our services have been extensively used by the regional industrial and business community to monitor the hazard level of wastewater generated.
We offer chemical analysis services in the following areas, with a highest level of professionalism and satisfaction to our client/contractor, and in adherence of the highest quality standards.
Bottled and unbottled drinking water/ sea water/ ground water
Treated water/ irrigation water/ waste water/ pool water
SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) in opaque materials
Oil and diesel
Geological Samples (limestone/ dolomite/ ores)
Metal analysis by by ICP OES in samples such as ground water, drinking, raw and treated wastewater, sea water, Industrial water, leachate, raw materials, soil, sludge, sea sediments, and construction materials & ores