RAK Lab management is committed to ensure that all activities are carried out impartially, objectively and are perceived as such by the interested parties in compliance with the relevant requirements.
For this reason, we are committed to:
Ensuring that procedures for accessing RAK Lab conformity assessment services are fair and non-discriminatory, and treated as such;
Continuously identify risks to the impartiality of RAK Lab, arising from its activities, its relationships or relationship of its staff;
Analysing, evaluating, monitoring and documing the identified risks and to demonstrate how to eliminate or minimize such risks to impartiality;
Providing internal and external staff the knowledge required to operate in accordance with impartiality, and requiring staff to sign a commitment to promptly reveal any situation that may constitute a conflict of interest;
Not allowing commercial, financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality of RAK Lab activities;
Taking action to respond to any threats to its impartiality arising from the actions of other persons, bodies or organizations;
Providing a mechanism to safeguard the impartiality of RAK Lab, which ensures a balanced representation of the relevant interested parties;
Not restrict testing activities on the ground of undue financial or other limiting condition, such as membership of an association or group.
Ensuring that RAK Lab’s personnel will not be influenced by financial, commercial, or other pressure when conducting testing activities and action to address any situation that would affect impartiality. Personnel are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest in a declaration form.