If Your organization wishes to have products tested in compliance with international standards; please see below how RAK LAB can support your organization. RAK Lab is an independently accredited testing laboratory for construction materials, chemical analysis of water, waste water, oil, fuel, environmental monitoring, geotechnical, and calibration.
We will be with you throughout the entire process, including research, testing, manufacturing process creation, and product comparison, product compliance certification, investigation studies, and regulatory authority assessment, all while maintaining honesty and professionalism.
Send your testing requirements to info@raklab.com. RAK Lab's sales staff will analyze your inquiry and offer you a quote for your testing requirements based on the relevant test method
After receiving the RAK LAB quotation, review the technical information and submit a valid purchase order.
Samples can be submitted to RAK Lab or collected from the customer's premises by RAK Lab representative as agreed and a sampling fleet that meets technical criteria.
Upon receiving the sample from the customer, sample shall be registered in RAK Lab LIMS and assigned for testing. Test Shall be completed within the specified turnaround time (TAT)
Following the completion of testing, the report will be emailed to the customer, and a physical copy of the report and invoice will be submitted by the RAK Lab representative.
Watch a snapshot of our expertise.
Companies Who Trusted Us
Rak Lab Consulting group has established a professional relationship with many clients’ businesses in the middle east and India. Our commitment to devising the most appropriate strategies and solutions for each client’s unique needs helps us grow this list.